Wednesday, January 20, 2010

settling is unacceptable.

"raise a glass to mend all the broken hearts of my wrecked up friends."

To all my ladies who have had their hearts broken and/or ar
e in crappy relationships:

I raise my glass to you, in hopes that this year, we will mend all our broken hearts and find someone that will love us back the way we love them. May this year bring us the strength to say no to assholes who don't deserve our time, to keep our self-respect and dignity in tact, to acknowledge the fact we are not just a convenience to people and we deserve so, so much better than everything we've put up with in the past. I hope this year will bring us closer to letting go of all the walls and insecurities that our broken hearts h
as forced us to have. There should be no more settling, feeling belittled, worthless, non-existent... men who cannot grow a pair and be the person we need them to be, should have no right to play any part in our lives.

We all deserve so much better than the crap that we have all put up with, thinking that this is as good as it can possibly get. Why settle? When there is so much better out there.

And this is exactly what we should do to the stupid boys that come into our lives and don't deserve any time.

Monday, January 4, 2010


#1. Make the 101 Goals in 1,001 Days and post online

I'm a few days early! Yes! I finally finished up my goals list after many hours spent blankly starring at the computer screen. After finishing up the list, I realized that all of these goals will end up costing me a bit of money. So, there may end up being some changes here and there to the list. We shall see.

I'm still not planning on starting anything on this list until January 8, 2010. I get a few more days of being completely content with not accomplishing any of these goals.

So until then, I guess there will be no posts unless I do something. :) Who knows? Maybe I'll be productive and actually post something. Highly unlikely though.