Thursday, December 31, 2009

dear 2009...

I was supposed to have accomplished creating my 101 goals by January 1, but that still hasn't happened yet. I'm giving myself another deadline, January 8, 2010. I will for sure have everything up by then, I hope.

But with the new deadline now being set, I will be more determined to think of more goals. I'm at 65. I'll keep going.

With that, here are my final thoughts for the year 2009:

This year came and went quicker than I could have imagined possible, but I'm definitely glad it is finally over. 2009 was a year of tests for me, testing myself in ways that I will never, ever do again. Things started off rough and are ending only a tad bit better than they started. I'm having high hopes for 2010, at least I'm trying to. With all the bad juju that came with this year, I still managed to weasel in a few good things: I finally got a good grasp of judgement of character - I think that I finally got a hold of weeding out all the bad people in my life and filled them with the good ones, I have an amazing family - including a new sister-in-law and a baby niece on the way! and friends that have been there for me through it all, despite the arguments, bickerings and misunderstandings. So here's to the new year... may it bring the people I love all the love and happiness they deserve. It wouldn't hurt if I could get some of that too. ;)

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