Monday, March 29, 2010

hello accomplishments!

I'm getting pretty pumped for my Goals List. I just want to finish them all now! Although, some will take longer than others. Either way, here are some of the things that I've completed! Yay!

27. Move out!

Finally! About two weeks ago, I finally moved into my apartment and I LOVE it. I have two fabulous roommates, although one hasn't moved in quite yet, she's getting there. Our apartment is huge and I love my room, especially my closet! :) It's nice to finally be able to have a place to call my own. Plus, our pool is fabulous! It was a little weird the first few nights, just being away from home and my family, but it's definitely better now. It's nice to know that I still live fairly close to home, so I can go home whenever I want. That, I love also.

50. Take a class at the gym

Yes. Class turned into CLASSES! This past weekend, my sister-in-law, Elaine and I went to the 24-Hour Fitness in Chino Hills and went to not one, but TWO classes. Yes, two. We went to the Step Jam 24 class on Saturday morning at 10am. It was surprisingly packed. What a workout too! I think I overdid myself a little bit. This was technically supposed to be my "active recovery" day from working out. I didn't think the class would be too bad, so I put two steps on mine. I looked around the room before class started and realized only one other person had two steps. I got a little bit nervous, but figured, hey, what the heck. About 10 minutes into class, I looked over at Elaine and said, "Never again will I use 2 steps!" Holy crap, that class is a wee bit more challenging than I was expecting. Plus, the whole coordination thing? Yeah, need to work on that. But still, fun times with the sis-in-law. Anyway, after Saturday's class, Elaine and I definitely wanted to try Turbo Kickboxing on Sunday at 8:30am. And that, we did. We both figured an 8:30am class on Sunday morning would be empty. Was it? Hell no. It was more packed than the step class on Saturday. I guess people just love this class. I definitely saw why about 2 minutes into the class. Turbo Kickboxing is like regular kickboxing on crack! It is some intense stuff. Although, I must say, great class and a great workout. I want to go back again! I love it!

52. Clean my closet and donate all old clothes and shoes

I guess this has been one thing that I have been putting off for ummmmm, months. I have definitely procrastinated with this for several reasons. 1. I don't like parting ways with old clothes and shoes and I like to convince myself that yes, I will wear these again some day. 2. I get lazy and I have a lot of clothes and shoes. Either way, with the whole moving thing, I had to go through all my clothes and shoes to see what I wanted to bring to the apartment. With that, I figured, I might as well go through all of my old clothes and shoes while I'm at it, and donate things. It took a long time, a few days actually, for me to figure out what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to donate. However, after many hours contemplating if I would really wear this shirt or those shoes again, I finally gave a lot of my clothes away and some shoes away. There are shoes that are in the garage on the racks that I haven't gone through, but hey, the goal was "in my closet," which is now complete. :)

60. Spend a lot of time with my niece

This is a ridiculously easy goal. Even though I still have like 2 years to finish this goal, it is not difficult at all. I see my niece, Cara, about 3-4 times a week. How can I not? She is the most adorable thing in the world and I can't get enough of her! You may call it pathetic, but it's not to me. If I don't see Cara for two days, I start to terribly miss her and I have to see her. So I will. Either my brother will bring Cara somewhere or I'll go over to their place to visit her and play with her for a little bit. Cara always brightens up my day with her little chubby cheeks and her big ol' eyes. I can't wait until she gets older and can actually start walking and talking. She is finally starting to get some reaction towards thing, like laughing and smiling. It's adorable. It's going to be so exciting when it is consistent. I can't wait! I love my little niece.

here is a little collage of a few of my favorites of my little one, cara.

So that would be the most recent accomplished goals. Hopefully the list will be done before the full 1,001 days! I'm being too optimistic, I know.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

ready. set . jump.

I want to be the little yellow guy. I want to be hardcore.
I will be the little yellow dude.

"Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together."
I hope this is true.

Either way. It's time. It's been long enough.

Ready. Set. Jump.
...and never look back.
.i hope.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

tribute to my max-oh.

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his."

I can still remember the first time I saw him. I was 13 years old and excited beyond belief that my parents had finally agreed that I could get a dog! I had waited a long week for the weekend to come so I could go to the local pound and find my puppy. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I went to the Human Society, practically run
ning to the puppy kennels. I can still remember the smell of the kennels, that doggy smell, just like at the pet store, but better. I was too excited for my own good. I walked up and down the aisles of the different kennels, looking for the perfect dog. I couldn't find the one though. All the puppies and older dogs were so cute, but I didn't see the one that I really wanted. Then I walked to a kennel with a sign that said, "Dogs in this kennel are sick. Please do not touch." I remember my mom telling me, "Maybe you shouldn't get a dog from there. They're already sick and it's probably not a good idea. Look at other ones." I shrugged off what she said and looked anyway. Then I saw him, in the back the kennel was this cute little 6 month year old puppy, a Rottweiler and German Shepherd mix. He was sitting at the back of the kennel, didn't even come up to the fence. He sat there and starred at me with these sad puppy eyes. I fell in love in an instant and thought to myself, he's the one.

Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened after that. I adopted him and took him home 3 days later. I named him Max. What? I was 13 and not that creative okay? Well, Max turned into plenty of names, Maxie, Maxwell, Maxie Pad, Maximous and my all-time favorite, Max-Oh. I got a great 11 years with my Max-Oh. 11 years filled with oopsies on the carpets, naps by the piano while I practiced, long walks, toilet paper dragging, door scratching, stair sitting, nose butting, cat-like habits, screen breaking, hole digging, kisses, laughs and tears. 11 years that went by all too fast.

It's been a little over 4 months since
my family and I had to put Max-Oh down. I miss him a little more every day. Going home isn't the same without this crazy guy barking his heart out and wagging his tail in circles when I walk through the door. I miss him. The only male in my life who never disappointed or judged me in any way for 11 years. Now that's unconditional love.

Max-Oh, you will always have my heart. I hope you are enjoying doggy heaven. I'm sure it's filled wit
h all the goodness that makes you go circle tail wagging happy. Miss you.

Shut up. I believe in doggy heaven okay? If you haven't watched All Dogs Go To Heaven... you really should, because it's true.

Monday, March 15, 2010

... a few steps forward ...

So here is a small update on the past few weeks that I have failed to log into this blog crap and update anything that has been happening in my life. MAJOR FAIL. Well, in the past few weeks, I have managed to accomplish a few of my goals on my list. So here we go!

#18. Watch the sunrise

This was probably one of the mo
st major failures in life on how to actually complete this goal. But hey, a completion is a completion... no judgment allowed here. About two weekends ago, Carol's little brother, Jason, was home for a Saturday night. Mind you, he had JUST turned the big 2-1 a Thursday before. The only proper way to celebrate my pseudo little brother's big birthday was to take his butt out drinking. So that's exactly what we did. Little did we know that this night would not only end up in havoc due to the multiple Irish Car Bombs, Jaegar Bombs, Kamikazes, Gummi Bears, etc., you name it, we drank it that night. However, after all the alcohol consumption that we did, it didn't seem to stop us from the gangsta rapping, flow spitting, shit talking that happened in the car the whole ride home... which ironically, I do not seem to have any recollection of. Ah well. What can you do? But was that the end of the night? No. In many cases, a typical night of a Carol and Elaine (C Pop and Back End hahahaha) outing would consist of drinks, drunken fun times, a fun car ride home and would definitely result to the both of us passed out in bed and waking up the sounds of each other painful hangovers the next morning. However, apparently, this night, we both thought it would be fun to act like we were 21 all over again. Yeah, not a good idea. We ended up at one of Jason's friends house, hanging out until about 5:30am. I definitely realized I was out of my age zone when Carol and I were approached with the question, "Oh, did you guys graduate in 07 too?????!!!!" Our response? "Yeah, COLLEGE!" Sad.

On the way home (we left Jason there, young people like that don't seem to ever get tired), we got really hungry and made a pit stop at our favorite, disgustingly delicious place, McDonald's. Oh good ol' McDonald's at 6:00am. There we sat in the parking lot, watching the sunrise in my little egg, called the Prius. We watched the sunrise, realized that we had been partying way too hard for our own good, felt our bodies start to give in and came to the conclusion that it was time to go home. Not exactly the greatest idea of all time, but nevertheless, an interesting way to know that we still can hang with them young'uns and a success to one of my goals! :) My body sure did pay for it for the next 2 days. Ouch.

43. Eat at Phil's new res
taurant in Boston, East by Northeast

This past weekend, my family and I decided to take a weekend long trip to Boston to meet up wit
h some family and all go visit Phillip Tang, my extremely talented cousin who just opened up a restaurant in Boston called East by Northeast. His restaurant is a small, quaint, cozy little restaurant, seating approximately 25 people at a time. The food served is a selection of different Chinese dishes with his own French twist on them. All I can say is amazing. It's great to see one of my cousins finally get to live his dream. I can't wait until I get to go back again when the menu changes in Spring! Well, I hope so that is. Since Boston's weather decided to be extremely mean to me and decided to rain the whole entire weekend that I was there. Maybe next time, Boston will be kinder. Overall, it was still a great trip. Great food and time with the family??? Couldn't have asked for better. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, look at the creeper girl who decided to smile in my picture while I was taking a picture of the restaurant. Great.

44. Quit smoking

Don't do it. Don't think about it. Don't smoke. Haha. So far? So good. It's been about 7 days since my last cigarette and amazingly, I feel good and the cravings aren't too bad. The first 72 hours were probably the hardest ever. My lungs were kicking out that wonderful tar its been building up for the last 5 years, so working out was really difficult. I felt like it was harder to breathe now that I wasn't smoking than when I actually was. I almost wanted to light up just so I could breathe normally again. I did not! It's only been 7 days and counting, but I have been good. Even when I had a beer over the weekend, I refrained from buying cigarettes and bumming from someone. Yay. This has been a long awaited goal of min
e and hopefully I will be a quitter for life.

I must say, it does feel pretty damn good to smell good all the time and have no hint of the smell of cigarettes anywhere on your body. Especially your fingers! On my way to work
the other day, I did not light up a cigarette, I didn't have any for one and well, I was trying to quit. When I got to work that day, I stepped out of my little egg, and the wind blew my hair across my face and I smelled the delicious scent of my shampoo from my just washed hair. Well, it was fabulous. It's nice to smell delicious rather than smell like the poo smell of cigarettes.

Hopefully, day 7 will turn into day forever. We shall see.

So these are my updates so far. Maybe in a few more weeks, I'll have more to update! We'll see!