Thursday, March 18, 2010

tribute to my max-oh.

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his."

I can still remember the first time I saw him. I was 13 years old and excited beyond belief that my parents had finally agreed that I could get a dog! I had waited a long week for the weekend to come so I could go to the local pound and find my puppy. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I went to the Human Society, practically run
ning to the puppy kennels. I can still remember the smell of the kennels, that doggy smell, just like at the pet store, but better. I was too excited for my own good. I walked up and down the aisles of the different kennels, looking for the perfect dog. I couldn't find the one though. All the puppies and older dogs were so cute, but I didn't see the one that I really wanted. Then I walked to a kennel with a sign that said, "Dogs in this kennel are sick. Please do not touch." I remember my mom telling me, "Maybe you shouldn't get a dog from there. They're already sick and it's probably not a good idea. Look at other ones." I shrugged off what she said and looked anyway. Then I saw him, in the back the kennel was this cute little 6 month year old puppy, a Rottweiler and German Shepherd mix. He was sitting at the back of the kennel, didn't even come up to the fence. He sat there and starred at me with these sad puppy eyes. I fell in love in an instant and thought to myself, he's the one.

Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened after that. I adopted him and took him home 3 days later. I named him Max. What? I was 13 and not that creative okay? Well, Max turned into plenty of names, Maxie, Maxwell, Maxie Pad, Maximous and my all-time favorite, Max-Oh. I got a great 11 years with my Max-Oh. 11 years filled with oopsies on the carpets, naps by the piano while I practiced, long walks, toilet paper dragging, door scratching, stair sitting, nose butting, cat-like habits, screen breaking, hole digging, kisses, laughs and tears. 11 years that went by all too fast.

It's been a little over 4 months since
my family and I had to put Max-Oh down. I miss him a little more every day. Going home isn't the same without this crazy guy barking his heart out and wagging his tail in circles when I walk through the door. I miss him. The only male in my life who never disappointed or judged me in any way for 11 years. Now that's unconditional love.

Max-Oh, you will always have my heart. I hope you are enjoying doggy heaven. I'm sure it's filled wit
h all the goodness that makes you go circle tail wagging happy. Miss you.

Shut up. I believe in doggy heaven okay? If you haven't watched All Dogs Go To Heaven... you really should, because it's true.

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