27. Move out!
Finally! About two weeks ago, I finally moved into my apartment and I LOVE it. I have two fabulous roommates, although one hasn't moved in quite yet, she's getting there. Our apartment is huge and I love my room, especially my closet! :) It's nice to finally be able to have a place to call my own. Plus, our pool is fabulous! It was a little weird the first few nights, just being away from home and my family, but it's definitely better now. It's nice to know that I still live fairly close to home, so I can go home whenever I want. That, I love also.

50. Take a class at the gym
Yes. Class turned into CLASSES! This past weekend, my sister-in-law, Elaine and I went to the 24-Hour Fitness in Chino Hills and went to not one, but TWO classes. Yes, two. We went to the Step Jam 24 class on Saturday morning at 10am. It was surprisingly packed. What a workout too! I think I overdid myself a little bit. This was technically supposed to be my "active recovery" day from working out. I didn't think the class would be too bad, so I put two steps on mine. I looked around the room before class started and realized only one other person had two steps. I got a little bit nervous, but figured, hey, what the heck. About 10 minutes into class, I looked over at Elaine and said, "Never again will I use 2 steps!" Holy crap, that class is a wee bit more challenging than I was expecting. Plus, the whole coordination thing? Yeah, need to work on that. But still, fun times with the sis-in-law. Anyway, after Saturday's class, Elaine and I definitely wanted to try Turbo Kickboxing on Sunday at 8:30am. And that, we did. We both figured an 8:30am class on Sunday morning would be empty. Was it? Hell no. It was more packed than the step class on Saturday. I guess people just love this class. I definitely saw why about 2 minutes into the class. Turbo Kickboxing is like regular kickboxing on crack! It is some intense stuff. Although, I must say, great class and a great workout. I want to go back again! I love it!
52. Clean my closet and donate all old clothes and shoes
I guess this has been one thing that I have been putting off for ummmmm, months. I have definitely procrastinated with this for several reasons. 1. I don't like parting ways with old clothes and shoes and I like to convince myself that yes, I will wear these again some day. 2. I get lazy and I have a lot of clothes and shoes. Either way, with the whole moving thing, I had to go through all my clothes and shoes to see what I wanted to bring to the apartment. With that, I figured, I might as well go through all of my old clothes and shoes while I'm at it, and donate things. It took a long time, a few days actually, for me to figure out what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to donate. However, after many hours contemplating if I would really wear this shirt or those shoes again, I finally gave a lot of my clothes away and some shoes away. There are shoes that are in the garage on the racks that I haven't gone through, but hey, the goal was "in my closet," which is now complete. :)
60. Spend a lot of time with my niece
This is a ridiculously easy goal. Even though I still have like 2 years to finish this goal, it is not difficult at all. I see my niece, Cara, about 3-4 times a week. How can I not? She is the most adorable thing in the world and I can't get enough of her! You may call it pathetic, but it's not to me. If I don't see Cara for two days, I start to terribly miss her and I have to see her. So I will. Either my brother will bring Cara somewhere or I'll go over to their place to visit her and play with her for a little bit. Cara always brightens up my day with her little chubby cheeks and her big ol' eyes. I can't wait until she gets older and can actually start walking and talking. She is finally starting to get some reaction towards thing, like laughing and smiling. It's adorable. It's going to be so exciting when it is consistent. I can't wait! I love my little niece.
here is a little collage of a few of my favorites of my little one, cara.
So that would be the most recent accomplished goals. Hopefully the list will be done before the full 1,001 days! I'm being too optimistic, I know.
Woah, your apartment looks nice! I wanna see, I wanna see!
ReplyDeleteWell you're going to have to come visit then! :)